How to Secure A Vacant Property

The costs of leaving a property vacant in the UK are significant; squatting, arson, vandalism as well as ongoing security costs, empty rates and higher insurance premiums can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds per year.

Wish to avoid all of this? Here are our top tips on how to secure a vacant property.

As a commercial property owner, it may not be possible to keep your property occupied at all times; you may be between tenants or waiting for building permission to come through. As the owner of a vacant building, you have a responsibility to ensure the safety and security of the property.

At The LOWE Group we offer a range of innovative solutions to help landlords secure their vacant properties, whilst creating social impact and supporting local communities, and we have a proven track record of protecting against squatters, mitigating rates and reducing insurance premiums.

How to Secure a Vacant Property with LOWE

1. Property Guardianship

Property guardians provide empty buildings with 24/7 protection and security, whilst benefitting from a safe, secure, and affordable housing solution. Our guardians are vetted extensively resulting in a socially responsible, reliable, and professional community who take great care of the buildings they protect.

2. Caretaking

Some properties are better suited to affordable workspace or charitable occupation. LOWE Works is our affordable, neighbourhood workspace concept, that utilises vacant spaces to offer flexible, high-quality workspaces in local neighbourhoods to support small businesses, charitable ventures, and the local community. Charitable occupation work with a curated selection of registered charities who utilise vacant properties to drive positive social impact and change within local communities.

3. Alarm System

Alarm systems provide a rigorous approach to protecting and securing our clients’ vacant buildings when caretakers or live-in guardians aren’t an option, and most insurance companies will require vacant properties to have an alarm system in place. We have robust wireless alarm systems which can be installed without affecting the fabric of the building, and even on a short-term basis if required.

4. Property Maintenance

Any signs of a derelict property can attract unwanted attention and repairing possible damages from unwanted inhabitants can be a costly exercise. Keeping the property well-maintained is a practical and cost-effective solution, and we take great care of the buildings we secure. This means fully fitting out the buildings to a habitable standard and managing the building on a 24/7 basis. Our in-house maintenance operatives provide upkeep for the property, and our dedicated out-of-hours service ensures the property is in safe hands round the clock.

5. Property Inspections

Regular inspections of a property ensures the highest standards of health & safety are adhered to and that our guardians continue to look after and maintain the buildings we manage. We carry out monthly property inspections across all LOWE properties on an unannounced basis, which is important in order to maintain the guardianship status of our buildings (i.e. our guardians are licensees, rather than tenants).


How to Secure a Vacant Property with our Services

If you have a vacant property and would like to find out how our bespoke services can secure your premises, contact us today for a free consultation report with our recommendations on how we can best protect your building.
+44 (0) 207 856 0171