Make your house a home on a budget!

Many of our properties present unique and inspiring places to live, so moving into a new guardian property can be an exciting step! We encourage our guardians to showcase their creativity and originality within their guardian space, but we understand that decorating your home can be hard work and transforming a blank canvas into a cosy living space can be daunting for those who are not natural interior designers. The stress of envisioning your dream room whilst keeping to a reasonable budget, may find you making more of a mess than you intended! However, our guardians have proved that you can create a masterpiece from very little resources. So, if you’re struggling for inspiration, here are our top 5 tips on how to make your house a home!

1. Upcycling:

Upcycling, the art of creative re-use, is sometimes dismissed, and the products that could be produced are seen as low quality and inefficient. However, you can create some amazing, long-lasting, décor inspired pieces from recycled products. For example: Use empty glass bottles and get fairy string lights to create a beautiful, homely effect. Bottle lights can be purchased from multiple sites but, if you’re on a budget, Amazon sell a 10 pack for just over £3.

Storage can also sometimes be tricky, why not try a wine rack as somewhere to keep your bedsheets and towels – roll up towels and sheets for an attractive storage idea. Even if you aren’t the type to relax with a glass of Merlot, this idea may just inspire you to pick up a wine rack.

2. Second-hand items.

Charity shops, marketplace apps and online resale stores are great, budget-friendly ways to purchase furniture and décor items. With thousands of items for as little as 0.50p, you can transform your guardian room into an inexpensive work of art!

One of our LOWE Ambassadors encourages everyone to curate their living space with second-hand items, saying “Approaching interiors with a thrifty mindset is not only better for the environment, but also a great way to decorate on a budget!”

They recommend charity shops, Freecycle, and eBay to source second-hand items, and mentions that neighbourhood giveaways are always a good to look out for.

3 . Freecycle

Freecycle has slowly become a popular marketplace to get second-hand furniture. Thousands of people are now using freecycle to get the items they need for FREE. Freecycle is an app that allows people to declutter and give away items they no longer want or need, to others who may benefit from the item.

Our Leegate guardian, Ryan, decorated his room using only items he was able to grab on Freecycle, and look how beautiful the outcome is…

Ryan doesn’t believe in spending a lot of money on furniture and décor items for your room to transform it into a treasure. He encourages everyone to make use of Freecycle and to keep looking for what you need or want.

4. Let’s go green!

House plants and flowers are an easy way, and one of the most eco-friendly ways to brighten your room and create a natural microclimate. Flowers and plants inspire a sense of elegance at an affordable price, and you can even grow your own if you’re feeling green-fingered.

Experiment with pots with different textures or mix styles, for a more eclectic vibe, and use empty space or plant stands to create a vibrant garden centre in your home.

5. Make hanging rails a feature!

Another big problem that individuals come across when decorating their home is trying not to clutter the space. Introducing hanging rails to reduce clutter and minimise mess is an ideal feature that will allow everything to fall into place and direct you to your vision. Also, showcasing your style and adding colour to your space with clothing adds a sense of personality and individuality.

Whilst these are our top five tips on transforming your guardian space, there are hundreds of other key points that could help you depending on what you are looking for. Another one of our LOWE Ambassadors, Jesus, gave us his top tips on managing home interiors and organising your space. As a long-standing LOWE Guardian, who has moved from larger spaces into smaller rooms, Jesus is an expert on interior design.

His points are:

1. Establish an aesthetic and idea of what you want.

This will help you to understand your space better and construct a layout of the way you would like the room to be presented.

2. Set yourself a budget and timeframe to get everything done.

By setting yourself a budget, you can avoid buying unnecessary items and get the items you need at a reasonable price.

3. Purchase second-hand items (see above for more tips!).

To help you work towards your set budget, purchase furniture and other home décor items from second-hand marketplaces and stores.

4. Get creative!

Let your imagination run wild! You can print and use pictures to create a picture wall or get crafty and use fabrics and paint to decorate the space. There is no right way of decorating your room. It’s an expression of your own personality.

5. Donate any items you don’t need!

Holding onto items you don’t need creates clutter and doesn’t add anything to your space. Donate items to charity or put word out to fellow guardians for a swap!

* Always check with our guardian team before undertaking any major decorating; sometimes it’s just not possible if we’re trying to keep the integrity of the building intact!